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Writer's picture: Mara PetroMara Petro

Updated: Jul 13, 2024

I’m trying to understand something, and I would seriously appreciate help.

A staggering number of people think abortion is acceptable, or at least their behavior makes it look that way. Regrettably, I was one of those people. When I was young, ignorant, and without faith in God I had no clue what abortion was, and I had one. The pain of that memory and that choice haunts me to this day.

So, I can understand people who think abortion is acceptable because they don’t know what abortion is and they lack the wisdom of God. What's worse is that our society and the government tell them that it’s acceptable by making it legal.

Ignorance and fear drive people to have abortions, and ignorance drives people to vote for abortion.

Now, don’t be offended by my use of the word, ignorance. I’m not being insulting. Ignorance means, “lack of knowledge or information.” I was very ignorant when I was young and before I knew the Lord.

Ignorance can be reversed but abortion can’t.

What I struggle to understand the most is people who know what abortion is, believe it’s wrong, but think it’s acceptable for others. They might say “I wouldn’t do it, but I’m not going to judge or tell other people what to do.” They may also vote for a pro-abortion political party because they prefer their policies over the other party. I don’t get this. What worldview are they operating from? No policy is more important than one that protects life – all life – from the womb to the tomb.  

If you don’t have qualms about abortion, then I understand why you’re okay with it being legal and why you would vote for the pro-abortion party.

But if you believe abortion is wrong then how do you justify looking the other way? How do you justify not speaking out about it? How do you justify voting for the pro-abortion party? What worldview is guiding your decision-making?

I don’t want to argue about this, but I do want to have civil conversations about it because I genuinely want to understand. How can good, godly, people justify their silent participation in the killing of innocent children? That’s what abortion is. Unfortunately, the word abortion has become innocuous to the point that people don’t think of abortion as killing a baby, they just think of it as a procedure to end a pregnancy.

Abortion violently kills an innocent human being in the womb by poison or dismemberment. Every year around the world, 72 million children are killed by abortion. In America, every year, 1 million children are killed by abortion. If we think that is wrong, how can we give our stamp of approval to a political party that approves and promotes this genocide?

This is not just a matter of “their problem” over there that we can ignore. If you witnessed a newborn baby being abused, I'm pretty sure you would say and do something about it. If you didn't, there's something wrong with you. And if you saw an abortion procedure and the dead baby afterward, you might think and behave differently.

If you and I are human beings with the unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness endowed to us by our creator and we were once in the womb, then the baby in the womb is one of us and should be given the same rights and protections we have.

We don’t have the right to kill one another.

This is not hard to understand. But we are battling an enemy who is the father of lies, seeking to kill, steal, and destroy God’s image bearers, and our society and government haven’t been courageous enough to give unborn children the same rights as you and me.

We have a responsibility to be a good Samaritan and not walk by on the other side. We are supposed to stop and help our neighbors. And the most vulnerable neighbor among us is the child in the womb and the mother carrying them.

I’ve learned in the hardest way possible what abortion is. Aside from the atrocity of killing an innocent child, it causes irreversible emotional damage to the parents of that child. Some women are physically harmed or die because of abortion. Families are torn apart, and generations are destroyed. Abortion is ruining our society. And I’m trying to do something about it.

Isn’t that how change happens? Isn’t that how culture is made better? Isn’t that how wars are stopped? Someone sees injustice and does something about it.

It can’t be said enough – Evil prevails when good people do nothing.

Killing an innocent baby is not a right. It is never acceptable or needed under any circumstance. Abortion is not “reproductive health care” or “freedom.” It’s ludicrous to me that anyone would call killing a human being health care or reproductive anything because it is the exact opposite.

In the case of the “life of the mother,” it’s not necessary to kill the baby to save the mom. They can deliver the baby early and try to save both mom and baby. Let God decide the fate of the child. It’s not our place to play God and kill one to save another. We should always try to save both.

Abortion is not acceptable in the case of rape or incest either. Regardless of how the baby is conceived, the baby can be loved and cared for by the mother or an adoptive family. Killing the baby doesn’t undo or minimize the trauma from the violence that the woman experienced, it only compounds it. I know women who have been raped, got pregnant, and gave birth to their children and love them like any other child. The baby shouldn’t be given the death penalty for their father’s sin.

For women and men who are suffering from the guilt and shame of the sin of abortion, God can forgive you and redeem your life like He’s done for me and so many others.

Ignorance can be reversed but abortion can’t. Lives are at stake. Will you do something?

God is looking at all of us. He knows and sees everything and one day we will see Him. (Psalm 33) I want to stand before the Lord and be able to say I did everything I could to share the gospel and help rescue those being led away to death.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them!” Mark 10:14 Note the exclamation point. He was intensely adamant that children were precious to Him. They should be precious to us.

Abortion is an offense to God because it kills one of His precious children who bear His image. We should be offended by abortion and bring an end to the killing of God’s children.

“Anyone, then, who knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.” James 4:15

God have mercy on us all. Come Lord Jesus come!

Mara Petro

Co-Founder of Abundant Life Women’s Ministries

Novice writer dedicated to proclaiming truth, glorifying God, winning people to Jesus, and being a voice for the voiceless.

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